Trusted by customers worldwide
Visitor management
Seamlessly manage your bookings, availability, and rates from one central calendar using our modern hospitality visitor management system.
Data security
Data security is one of the primary concerns when it comes to visitor management systems. It keeps data records with complete security and safety compliances.
Host notifications
It supports the automatic sending of notifications to hotel authorities regarding guests' check-in and check-out, appointment schedules, and more.
Visitor report analytics
Automating the mundane workflows that take up excessive time helps in keeping a detailed report of the overall visitors/guests' data.
Onsite scheduling
Our hotel guest management system offers a branded and consistent experience for customers by making a hassle-free appointment online.
Image capturing
It keeps track of the guests entering the facility by capturing the images and this data is stored for future reference.
Offline registration
Registering offline is possible with visitors required to enter specific details regarding their address, phone number, and other details relating to their meeting.
Activity dashboard
Our visitor management system helps authorities automate and manage online bookings along with booking cancellations.